The Power Of Music

It happened just last week.

At a particularly challenging point in his morning workout, Dan called upon a strength beyond his now aching and fatigued body to get him through the remainder of the class. Through sweat and broken breaths, he urged himself to keep pushing, keep going, one more rep, one more round. Rest was coming.

Desperately seeking some extra motivation, he opened his ears to the music around him. Dialed. in. Dan was in it to win it, now.

And it happened again on the weekend, this time for Sarah.

It had been a long work week. A long few work weeks, if she was being honest. But the clouds were beginning to break and she had been looking forward to an evening out with an old friend since last Tuesday when she texted that she’d be in town for business. She exhaled— physically and metaphorically— as she walked through the door of her house at 5:58, releasing her breath at the same time she released her keys and purse and laptop bag full of notepads and pens. She poured herself a glass of red wine and began sifting through her closet for something to wear tonight.

“Hey Siri,” she says after her first sip, “Play 90s pop.” It took her straight back to those high school days with the friend she’d soon be laughing and reminiscing with on a patio with chips and salsa.

The power of music is beyond words.

Somehow a melody, a lyric— or even 4 special notes from The Golden Band from Tiger Land if you’re an LSU fan— can trigger the most vivid responses from our heads and hearts.

Music has the capacity to transform a situation in an instant. From workout motivation to nostalgic memories to emotional processing to creative energy: music moves us. It can seem like such a small factor, but we know in our line of work, it’s often the small things that make the biggest difference.

What’s that one song for you?

P.S. Check out Prism’s playlist of all the songs that we jam to with the windows down, sing in the shower, or blast on the speakers when we need a pick-me-up!


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