April Showers Bring More Than May Flowers
As the old saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers,” but sometimes it’s more difficult to see the flowers for the showers. This last year has been a season of waiting and hoping that the “showers'' will one day give way to new “flowers.” Over the past few weeks, as more and more of our world has moved into increasing activity and what some have called “normalcy,” the flowers are now beginning to show up more and more.The phones and emails at Prism have been buzzing like bees helping our customers find their way to resolution. The days are longer and warmer. And unlike a year ago when streets were all but vacant, people are walking, riding bikes, boiling crawfish, and celebrating the joys of being alive. Of course, our bees at Claris Pointe know little difference between this year and last year. But as warmer weather and nectar-producing flowers show up, the bees have begun their annual 90 day sprint to make all the honey for this next year. Thankfully, the bees in their diligence and untiring work ethic have an abundance that leaves us with one of Nature’s sweetest treats: honey.It’s easy to forget the “flower” times when it feels like all we see are the “showers,” but without the rain we have no flowers. Despite our desire for endless long, warm, sunny times, we need the rain and showers of life to soften us, to awaken the seeds of life that lead to new “flowers.” In the Judeo-Christian tradition, April is often the time of Easter. Like the saying, “April showers bring May flowers”, the Easter celebration reminds us that without Good Friday there is no Easter.Enjoy the showers, for soon the flowers will once again remind us that there is always more to life than what we may be currently seeing in front of us.